Kyser KGCB Quick Change Classical Guitar Capo
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Kyser KGCB Quick Change Classical Guitar Capo
Designed for the wider neck and flat fingerboards of the classical guitars, this capo also has a lighter clamping action ideal for classical strings. The neck on your classical guitar is different than regular acoustic guitars. It has a flat fret board which requires a capo with no radius. The Kyser Quick-Change for classical guitars does not have a radius and is specifically designed with just the right amount of tension for classical strings.
This Kyser Quick-Change is expertly engineered and built to last. It is reliable and does just what it is designed to do which is clearly raise the pitch of the classical guitar so you can play in a different key without retuning or changing fingering. Seasoned professionals and beginning players alike appreciate how the Kyser Quick-Change helps them transpose their classical guitar in a moment, with only one hand. The beauty of the Kyser Quick-Change is in its simplicity. They have pioneered this design, and although often imitated, a Kyser is never equaled. There is no substitute for a Kyser Quick-Change.
Usage & Care Recommendations
Position the Kyser Quick-Change as close as possible to the fret to be clamped. The Kyser Quick-Change is designed to eliminate interference with the fretboard playing hand. To accomplish this, position the Kyser Quick-Change such that the string spanning clamping jaws do not protrude past the lower edge of the fretboard.
The Kyser Quick-Change should not remain clamped on the guitar strings when not in use. Removing the Kyser Quick-Change from the guitar allows the rubber strip to restore itself to its original shape.
Always unclamp the Kyser Quick-Change to move it. Do not slide it up and down the fretboard.
Periodically, oil the pivot and the spring contact points.