Mayo Store:  Moneen Industrial Estate, Castlebar, F23 PW50   094 9025 896 Galway Store:  Unit 7, Forster Court, Galway City, H91 C8X7   091 568 719

Mayo: Cavendish Lane, Castlebar Galway: Unit 7, Forster Court, Galway City

Hercules DG207B - Smartphone Holder

Hercules DG207B - Smartphone Holder

  • €35.00

Please Use The Contact Details Below To Order This Product

Castlebar 094 9025 896 / Galway 091 568 719


The Hercules DG207B is the most adaptive smartphone holder for your home or studio.


  • TightVice locking mechanism ensures your device is safely locked in place.
  • Has wider support range fits camera light and tripod.
  • Has a wider support range and fits a camera light and tripod.
  • Attaches to a desk, round and square tubes like keyboard stands, microphone stands or music stands.