Koda Keyboard X-Bench
Please Use The Contact Details Below To Order This Product
Castlebar 094 9025 896 / Galway 091 568 719
Koda Keyboard X-Bench
- With Thick Padded Seat
- Foldable
- Height 50-60cm
- Weight: 3.31kg
Mayo Store: Moneen Industrial Estate, Castlebar, F23 PW50 094 9025 896Galway Store: Unit 7, Forster Court, Galway City, H91 C8X7 091 568 719
Mayo: Cavendish Lane, Castlebar Galway: Unit 7, Forster Court, Galway City
Castlebar 094 9025 896 / Galway 091 568 719
Koda Keyboard X-Bench